Press Play and Scream
Press Play and Scream
You Have to Bury the Dead (Agnes with Molly C. Quinn and Mickey Reece)
We love a good possession movie here, and so you can imagine how delighted we were to discuss Agnes with director/screenwriter Mickey Reece and its star, Molly Quinn. While it starts as a religious horror movie, it becomes an exploration of what happens when you don't process your trauma (SPOILER: nothing good).
NOTE: There are spoilers in this episode.
Buy/Rent Agnes: https://www.amazon.com/Agnes-Molly-Quinn/dp/B09N62KGZ4/ref=sr_1_3?crid=33LUDII60QD4O&keywords=agnes+movie&qid=1647604963&sprefix=agnes+movie%2Caps%2C59&sr=8-3
See Mickey Reece's Other Movies: https://ondemand.drafthouse.com/page/select-films-of-mickey-reece/
Molly C. Quinn:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MollyQuinn93
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mollycaitlynquinn/?hl=en
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/PressPlayScream
Website: https://pressplayandscream.buzzsprout.com/
NOTE: There are spoilers in this episode.
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